Python Send HTML Email: Crafting and Sending Styled Emails

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Python sending HTML emails is a powerful way to communicate with your audience. With Python, you can easily automate sending HTML emails and localhost RFC markup, making it an ideal choice for businesses, developers, and marketers.

Sending HTML emails with Python allows you to craft visually appealing and engaging messages. By leveraging Python, you can easily incorporate images, tables, and other elements, while ensuring the email format aligns with your brand. 

This article will guide you through sending HTML emails with Python.

See also: How To Add A Line In HTML: Design And Layout Techniques

Steps for Python Send HTML Email

Use the following steps to send HTML Emails with Python.

Step 1: Importing the Necessary Modules

First, you must import the essential modules required for sending HTML emails: smtplib and email. The smtplib module facilitates sending emails using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), while the email module provides the EmailMessage class for creating and sending email messages.


To Python send HTML emails, you’ll need to install the necessary libraries. The two most popular choices to send Python html emails are smtplib and email.mime.

To install them, use the following pip commands:

pip install secure-smtplib
pip install email
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage

See also: HTML By Numbers: How Many HTML Tags Are There?

Step 2: Create an HTML Email Message

With the necessary modules imported, you can create your HTML email message. The EmailMessage class offers various methods to set the properties of your email, such as From, To, Subject, and Body. The From property specifies the sender, To for the recipient, Subject for the email subject, and Body for the message body.

The Body property can be a plain text string or an HTML file.

To create an HTML email message, follow the code below:

message = EmailMessage()
message['From'] = '[email protected]'
message['To'] = '[email protected]'
message['Subject'] = 'This is an HTML email'
with open('email.html', 'r') as f:
message.Body =

To Python send an HTML email, you need to construct the email’s HTML content. You can use basic HTML tags to structure your content and include styling to make it visually appealing.

For example, consider the following HTML email template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My HTML Email</title>
<p>This is a sample HTML email sent using Python.</p>
<p>Feel free to explore more about Python programming and its applications!</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>Your Name</p>

Step 3: Sending the Email Message

Now that we have our HTML email content, it’s time to compose and send HTML email Python.

We’ll use the smtplib library for the email-sending process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  • Import the required modules.
  • Configure the email parameters.
  • Create the email message.
  • Send the email.

After crafting your HTML email message, you can use the smtplib module to send it.

The following code demonstrates how to send the email:

server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
server.login('[email protected]', 'password')
server.sendmail('[email protected]', '[email protected]', message.as_string())

Step 4: Adding Attachments to Your Email

In addition to sending HTML content, you should include attachments in your email. Python email HTML, email.mime library lets you easily attach files like images, PDFs, or documents to your emails.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Import the necessary modules.
  • Create the email message.
  • Add the attachment.
  • Send the email.

You can enhance your HTML email messages by including attachments. To do this, use the attached method of the EmailMessage class. The technique requires a file object as an argument, which will be attached to the email message.

<a href=""><strong>with open</strong></a>('report.pdf', 'rb') as f:

Step 5: Using a Template Engine

While manually constructing HTML content is a viable option, using a template engine like Jinja2 can significantly improve your email creation process.


Template engines allow you to separate the email’s structure from its content, making it easier to manage and update your email templates.

Step 6: Troubleshooting Common Errors

While sending HTML emails, you may encounter some common errors, including authentication, format, and connection errors. To troubleshoot these issues, refer to the smtplib module’s documentation.

troubleshooting errors

By following these steps and leveraging Python’s capabilities, you can create and Python send HTML email visually appealing HTML emails that effectively convey your message and strengthen your brand identity.

Read also: Personalizing Your Emails: Apple Mail HTML Signature Guide


What libraries are required for sending HTML Emails with Python?

Two widely used libraries for sending emails with Python are smtplib and email.mime. To install these libraries, you can use the following pip commands: Python pip install secure-smtplib pip install email

How to create an HTML Email in Python?

To create an HTML email in Python, you need to construct the email's HTML content. This involves using basic HTML tags to structure your content and adding styles to make it visually appealing.

How to send an HTML Email using Python?

Once you have prepared your HTML email content, you can use the smtplib library to send it. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Import the required modules. 1. Configure the email parameters. 2. Create the email message. 3. Send the email.

How to attach files to an HTML Email using Python?

Python's email.mime library provides an easy way to attach files like images, PDFs, or documents to your emails. Follow these steps to achieve it: 1. Import the necessary modules. 2. Create the email message. 3. Add the attachment. 4. Send the email.

What is a Template Engine?

A template engine is a tool that enables you to separate the structure of an email from its content. This separation makes it easier to manage and update your email templates. One popular template engine for Python is Jinja2. By using these libraries and understanding the process of creating and sending HTML emails, you can personalize your email content and efficiently deliver visually appealing messages to your recipients.


This article explored the process of sending HTML emails using Python. We learned about the necessary libraries, composed a sample HTML email, and discovered how to handle attachments and use template engines. With Python’s flexibility and powerful libraries, you can create dynamic and visually engaging emails for your business or marketing needs. 

By following these steps and leveraging Python’s capabilities, you can create and send appealing HTML emails that convey your message and strengthen your brand identity.

Sending HTML emails with Python opens up exciting possibilities for creating visually engaging and personalized email communications. By leveraging the power of libraries like smtplib and email.mime, Python developers can easily construct and send HTML emails, incorporating images, tables, and other elements to enhance the email experience.

Throughout this guide, we have explored the necessary steps to Python send HTML email with Python, from importing the required modules and crafting HTML email content to sending the emails and attaching files for richer interactions. We have touched upon the concept of template engines, like Jinja2, which aids in efficiently managing and updating email templates.

Check this out: Email Marketing: Creating A Gmail HTML Link

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