JavaScript to Change Background Color: Dynamic Web Design

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JavaScript, a strong computer language, can be leveraged to add dynamic and interactive website content, enhancing overall quality. One of the ways that JavaScript can help is by changing the background color of an HTML element. This might help draw attention to critical details or enhance the visual appeal of a web page. Learning how to read a JSON file in JavaScript is essential for web developers who work with data-driven applications. This article reviews the basics of using JavaScript to change an HTML element’s background color.

JavaScript to change background color in HTML

Step 1: Create The HTML Element

The first step in changing the background colo of an HTML element is to create the element in your HTML document. For this article, we’ll create a simple div element with some sample text inside:

html element

<div id="myElement">

This is my element!


Here, we’ve given the div element an id attribute of “myElement” to easily reference it in our JavaScript code. You can use any valid HTML element for this tutorial, but remember that some elements may have default styles that could affect the background color.

Step 2: Create A JavaScript Function

The next step is to create a JavaScript function that will change the background color of our HTML element. You can use jQuery in the JS file or any other framework you like. We’ll use the “document.getElementById()” method to select our div element, and then we’ll use the “style.backgroundColor” property to set the background color. Here’s the code:

create a javascript function

function changeColor() {

var element = document.getElementById("myElement"); = "red";


Here, we’ve created a function called “changeColor()” that will change the background color of our div element to red. We’ve used the var keyword to declare a variable called an element and assigned it the value of the div element with the id of “myElement”. Then, we used the “style.backgroundColor” property to set the background color of the div element to “red”. You can use any valid CSS color value here, such as “blue”, “green”, or “#f1c40f”.

Step 3: Call The JavaScript Function

The final step is to call our “changeColor()” function so that the background color of our HTML element is changed. We’ll use an event handler to call the function when a particular event occurs, such as a button click. Here’s the code:

<button onclick="changeColor()">Change Color</button>

change background color

Here, we’ve created a simple button element that will call our “changeColor()” function when clicked. We’ve used the onclick attribute to specify that the function gets called on clicking the button.

Putting It All Together

Now that we’ve created our HTML element, JavaScript function, and event handler, we can combine it in our HTML document. Here’s what the final code looks like:



<title>Change Background Color</title>


function changeColor() {

var element = document.getElementById("myElement"); = "red";





<div id="myElement">

This is my element!


<button onclick="changeColor()">Change Color</button>



In this code, we’ve included our “changeColor()” function inside a <script> tag in the <head> section of our HTML document. We’ve also included our div and button elements in our HTML document’s <body> sections.

Using Variables To Store Colors

In the previous example, we hard-coded “red” into our “changeColor()” function. However, it’s often helpful to use variables to store colors so that they can be easily changed or reused. Here’s an updated version of our function that uses a variable to store the color:

variable to store the color:

function changeColor() {

var element = document.getElementById("myElement");

var color = "red"; = color;


Here, we’ve declared a variable called color and assigned it the value of “red”. Afterward, we utilize this variable to apply the background color to our div element.

Using Random Colors

If you want to add some randomness to your background color changes, use the “Math.random()” method to generate a random color. Here’s an updated version of our changeColor()” function that generates a random color:

function changeColor() {

var element = document.getElementById("myElement");

var color = getRandomColor(); = color;


function getRandomColor() {

var letters = "0123456789ABCDEF";

var color = "#";

for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];


return color;


Random Background color

We’ve created a new getRandomColor() function that generates a random hexadecimal color code. We then call this function from our changeColor() function to set the background color of our div element to a random color.

Animating Color Changes

Suppose you want to add some animation to your background color changes. In that case, you can use the “setInterval()” method to repeatedly change the color of your HTML element over a certain period. Here’s an example:

animating color changes

var colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"];

var index = 0;

function changeColor() {

var element = document.getElementById("myElement"); = colors[index];


if (index == colors.length) {

index = 0;



setInterval(changeColor, 1000);

Here, we’ve created an array of colors and a variable called index to keep track of which color we’re currently on. We’ve then created a changeColor() function that sets the background color of our HTML element to the current color in the array and increments the index variable. If we have reached the end of the array, we reset the index variable to zero. Finally, we use the setInterval() method to call our changeColor() function every 1000 milliseconds (1 second), which causes our HTML element to cycle through the different colors in the array over time.


How to change colors with JavaScript?

Colors can be changed using JavaScript by manipulating the style properties of HTML elements. Use the `style` property to access the `backgroundColor` or `color` property and set it to the desired color using the RGB, HEX, or named color values.

How to change the background color of a div in JavaScript?

To change the background color of a div in JavaScript, first, identify the div element using `document.getElementById` or another selector method. Then, set the `style.backgroundColor` property of the div to the desired color value, like RGB, HEX, or named color.

How to change the text color in JavaScript?

To change the text color with JavaScript, select the target element using `document.getElementById` or similar methods. Then, modify the `style. Color` property of the component, assigning it the desired color value in RGB, HEX, or named format.

How can I change my background to white?

To change the background color to white, you can use JavaScript to modify the ` Background color property. Set it to 'white' or '#ffffff' (HEX code for white) to change the background color of the entire document to white.

How to change the color onClick in JavaScript?

To change color onClick in JavaScript, add an event listener to the target element. Within the event handler, modify the color property (e.g., `style.backgroundColor` or `style. color`) to the desired color value when the element is clicked.


This article covers the basics of using JavaScript to change an HTML element’s background color. We’ve shown how to create the HTML element, create a JavaScript function to change the background color, and call the function using an event handler. We’ve also covered additional techniques, such as using variables to store colors, generating random colors, and animating color changes. With these techniques, you can add visual interest to your web pages, making them more dynamic and interactive.

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