createElement in JavaScript: Dynamic Web Content Creation Guide

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JavaScript is a versatile programming language used for various tasks, such as form validation, browser scripting, and creating responsive and interactive user interfaces. JavaScript code is executed by a web browser, which can run on a client machine rather than a server, allowing faster processing. It is a high-level, object-oriented language often used with other technologies, such as HTML and CSS, to create web pages and applications. It is also commonly used with libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js, popular tools for building complex web applications.

JavaScriptThis article will explore the use of createElement in JavaScript.

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Elements In JavaScript

An element in JavaScript is referred to as a single node in the DOM (Document Object Model). The DOM is a tree-like representation of an HTML or XML document, and each node in the tree represents a different part of the document, such as an HTML tag, text content, or attribute.

Elements in Java ScriptAn element in JavaScript can be any HTML or XML tag, such as a ‘div’, ‘p’, ‘h1’, ‘input’, ‘form’, etc. When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a DOM tree from the HTML and XML content, and you can use JavaScript to interact with and manipulate the elements in the tree.

For example, you can use JavaScript to access and change the content of an element, add or remove elements from the tree, and change the styling of elements. With the DOM APIs, you can achieve these actions, such as ‘getElementById’, ‘querySelector’, ‘createElement’, ‘appendChild’, and so on. The Document Object Model (DOM) API can create and manipulate several elements in JavaScript. The most common types of elements include:

  • HTML elements: These are the standard HTML tags such as ‘div’, ‘p’, ‘h1’, ‘input’, ‘form’, etc. These elements find their use to structure and format the content of a web page.
  • Text nodes: These are nodes that represent text content in the DOM. They represent the text content within an HTML element. For example, a text node would represent the text within a ‘p’ tag.
  • Attribute nodes: These represent the attributes of an HTML element. For example, an attribute node will represent the ‘src’ attribute of an ‘img’ tag.
  • Document node: The topmost node in the DOM tree represents the entire document. It also serves as the root node for all other nodes in the tree.
  • Comment nodes: These are nodes that represent comments within an HTML or XML document. For example, comment nodes represent the comments within a script tag or HTML file.

It’s important to note that not all elements can interact with javascript. Equally, some cannot interact with javascript, and some only have fundamental interactions. And when it comes to DOM manipulation, some elements have unique properties, methods, and behavior.

CreateElement In JavaScript

CreateElement In JavaScript

Use the ‘document.createElement()’ method to create an element in JavaScript. This method takes a single argument, the name of the element you want to create. For example, to create a ‘div’ element, you would use the following code:

let newDiv = document.createElement("div");

You can add content to the element and append it to the DOM using other JavaScript methods such as ‘innerHTML’, ‘appendChild()’, etc.

newDiv.innerHTML = "This is a new div";

The above code will add “This is a new div” to the new div element, which it can then append to the document’s body. Here’s an example of creating a new div element and adding it to the DOM using JavaScript:

// Create a new div element
and let newDiv = document.createElement("div");
// Add some content to the div
newDiv.innerHTML = "This is a new div";
// Add a class to the div
newDiv.className = "new-div";
// Append the div to the document

In this example,

  • The first line creates a new ‘div’ element using the ‘document.createElement()’ method.
  • The second line adds some content to the ‘div’ using the ‘innerHTML’ property.
  • The third line adds a class to the ‘div’ using the ‘className’ property, for styling the element.
  • Finally, the last line uses the ‘appendChild()’ method to append the ‘div’ to the ‘document’s body’, making it visible on the web page.

Setting Attributes In An Element


You can also use the ‘setAttribute()’ method to add attributes to your newly created elements.


This will set their ‘id’ attribute of the ‘newDiv’ element as “myid”. You can also chain other methods together in a more concise way.

let newDiv = document.createElement("div")
.innerHTML = "This is a new div"
.className = "new-div"
.setAttribute("id", "myid")

This will create a new div, set the content, className, set attribute, and apply it to the body in one statement.


What is createElement functionality?

CreateElement() is a method Java uses to create an HTML element. The element is a component in HTML that generally informs your browser of the method of structuring and interpreting the HTML part in the document. The method creates the HTML element node using Javascript. The correct syntax for creating an element in Javascript is let element = document. createElement(‘elementName’); .

What is the difference between createElement and innerHTML?

While createElement is faster and is generally considered an alternative to innerHTML, there is some difference between the two. InnerHTML generally attaches event listeners, while createElement does not require this step. Additionally, createElement is performant and more secure, whereas using innerHTML causes your browsers to reparse. This means that the program recreates all the DoM nodes inside the element.

How do createElement and cloneElement differ?

The main difference betweencreateElement and cloneElement in Javascript is their primary function. CreateElement is mainly the code that Java uses to create a new HTML element, whereas cloneElement() uses an existing element as its starting point to clone a new element. In the case of cloneElement, the created element consists of both props of the original element and new props.

How do I copy HTML code from inspect element?

To copy the HTML code from an inspect element, first, you must select the element. After this, click on the Inspect option. This step opens DevTools. Here, find and click on Sources. You will then generally see the HTML code appear. Select the code and copy and paste into a text editor. Additionally, save this file with a .html extension.

How can you create image element in JavaS?

In JavaScript, you can use Image () constructor or CreateElement to create image elements. In case you are using createElement, firstly, create an image element. After this, you can insert the image URL in the src attribute and finally add the image element to DOM. Alternatively, you can also use the constructor. The image() constructor creates a new HTML ImageElement instance.


You can use JavaScript to access, change the content, add or remove the elements or change the styling for the elements in the DOM. The ‘document.createElement()’ can be used to create an element in JavaScript. You can also add attributes to your newly created elements by using ‘setAttribute()’ method.

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