Import Large SQL Files in XAMPP: Step-by-Step Guide

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XAMMP stands for X-Operating System, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. It is a popular web server solution stack package created by Apache Friends. XAMMP allows developers to install different software on their devices.

To import a large SQL file in PHPMyAdmin Xampp, start the MySQL server in the XAMMP Control Panel and launch PHPMyAdmin. Next, pick the database and import. Set the import settings and start the import procedure. Lastly, remember to verify the process.


XAMPP  is widely used to develop and test web applications before launching them into the markets. Such as, when working with large SQL files (Structured Query language), importing these files onto the MySQL database in XAMPP is quite a process. SQL files store the data and structure of a MySQL database.

This process aids developers in testing their applications with actual data. Now, let’s see this process in detail.

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Steps to import large SQL files in XAMPP easily

Step 1: Launch the XAMPP Control Panel

Click the XAMPP icon on your desktop or go to the XAMPP folder under Programme Files to launch the XAMPP Control.

Step 2: Start the MySQL server on the Control Panel

Click the start button next to the MySQL module on the XAMPP Control Panel to launch the server.

Step 3: Open phpMyAdmin

After running the server in step 2, Click the admin button beside the MySQL module to launch the phpMyAdmin. (phpMyAdmin allows the user to manage MySQL databases)

Step 4: Pick the database

Click on the name of a database to Pick the database on phpMyAdmin where you want to import the SQL file.

Step 5: Select the import tab

After picking the database, select “Import” from the top menu bar. You will now see importing page.

Step 6: Select the individual SQL file for importing process

Click on the choose file tab To choose the SQL file on the import page.

Step 7: Set the Import Settings 

The import options are changeable after picking the SQL file. While importing a huge file, phpMyAdmin, by default, tries to import the whole file at once, which can lead to complications. Select the “Partial import” option to avoid this to adjust the “Maximum import size” to a smaller value. You can also edit the character set and the format of the file.

Step 8: Start the import

Once the import preferences have been set, click “Go” to start the import procedure.

This part of the process is time-consuming, depending on the file size and your computer’s speed. The “Import” page lets you track the import’s development.

Step 9: Verify the import

Check the data’s accuracy after the import to ensure the process is correct.


Verify the database tables to ensure the process of importing data is correct.


How to import a large database in XAMPP?

To import a large database in XAMPP, you can access phpMyAdmin through your browser. Then, choose the 'Import' option, further select your desired database file. Ensure the file size doesn't exceed the maximum upload limit set in php.ini. If necessary, you can adjust the settings or use the command-line method for more extensive databases.

How to import a 2 GB SQL file in phpMyAdmin?

Importing a 2 GB SQL file in phpMyAdmin requires adjusting specific settings precisely. First, increase the 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size' values in your php.ini. Then, access phpMyAdmin, choose 'Import', and select your file. Confirm that the execution time limit and memory limit are also reasonably sufficient to handle the import process.

How to import a large SQL file into an SQL server?

Importing a large SQL file in SQL Server usually involves using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Open SSMS, then connect to your server. Further, create a new database or simply use an existing one. Right-click the database, choose 'Tasks', then 'Import Data'. Follow the wizard to select your SQL file and specify the destination.

How to load a large SQL file in MySQL?

Loading a large SQL file in MySQL can be done using the command-line tool MySQL client. Start by opening your terminal or command prompt. Further, navigate to the MySQL bin directory, and execute the command: MySQL -u username -p database_name < path/to/your/sqlfile.sql. Enter your password when prompted, and MySQL will load the SQL file into the specified database.


Follow the nine steps to import large SQL files in XAMPP smoothly.

See also: Install MySQL on Ubuntu

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