HTML Input Number Remove Arrows: Streamlining Form Design

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Are you fed up with being limited by the default design components in your HTML number input fields? Do the arrows accompanying number inputs clash with the look of your website or mislead your users? This detailed and simple article will teach you how to remove arrows from HTML input numbers.

How to remove arrows from HTML input numbers? Use CSS styles to override the browser’s default styling. You may conceal the arrows by targeting the relevant input element with CSS selectors and using the ‘WebKit-appearance’ property. You may also remove arrows in Mozilla Firefox by setting the ‘moz-appearance’ option to “textfield.”

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But wait, there’s more! In this comprehensive tutorial, we will not just delete the arrows. We’ll also review advanced customization techniques, such as adding your gorgeous increment and decrement buttons. You’ll learn how to make your number inputs stand out, wow your users, and keep your interface flowing. Continue reading to uncover a world of alternatives to arrow removal!

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HTML Input Number Remove Arrows: Core Concept

HTML’s input type number makes collecting numeric input from users easy. On the other hand, the default look of this input type contains arrows that allow users to increase or decrease the value. While these arrows are beneficial in some situations, they may not correspond with your design goal or may even distract consumers from the desired user experience. Let’s review how to remove these arrows and modify your input fields.HTML input number remove arrows

Step 1: Identifying the Targeted Number Input

HTML’s number input type offers a practical approach to collecting users’ numeric input. However, this input type’s default design includes arrows that let users increase or decrease the value. While they are beneficial in some situations, these arrows could not be in line with your design goals or can serve to detract from the intended user experience. Let’s look at how to change your input fields and remove these arrows step by step.

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Step 2: Applying CSS Styles for Hidden Arrows

Applying CSS styles to override the built-in browser styles is necessary to remove the arrows from the number input field. You may successfully conceal the arrows using CSS selectors to target the detected input element. Take these actions:

  • Put a particular class or ID on the input element for numbers: If the input tag doesn’t already have one, add a class or ID to make CSS targeting easier. For instance, you may add class=”no-arrows” to the input tag.
  • Make a CSS rule: Create a CSS rule that targets the class or ID associated with the number input element in your CSS file or within a style tag. To target a class called “no-arrows,” for instance, the CSS rule would be .no-arrows { }.
  • Using CSS styles, hide the arrows: Add the relevant style declarations to the CSS rule to remove the arrows. Use the following elements of style:


.no-arrows::-webkit-outer-spin-button {

-webkit-appearance: none;

margin: 0;


.no-arrows {

-moz-appearance: textfield;


Step 3: Applying the Changes and Further Styling

It’s time to apply the CSS rule you developed to the specified HTML number input element so that the arrows are hidden. The following are the two main approaches to implementation:

Option 1: Inline Style

To the input tag, add the style property, and set it to the CSS rule you previously made. For instance:

<input type="number" class="no-arrows" style="/* Your CSS rule here */">

Option 2: External CSS File

Use the link tag to attach an external CSS file to your HTML text. Ensure the CSS rule for the number input element is in the CSS file. For instance:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



<input type="number" class="no-arrows">


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Why would I want to remove the arrows from an HTML number input?

You should take the arrows out of an HTML number input for several reasons. Customizing the input field's look to match the style of your website or application is one such purpose. The arrows might not go with your current styling or not suit the overall appearance. The arrows may occasionally offer an extra feature that is superfluous and that confuses or diverts users. Deleting the arrows may make a more straightforward and organized user interface.

Will the number input field's functioning be affected if the arrows are removed?

Taking away the arrows won't change the numeric input field's fundamental operation. Users can still use a keyboard and other input methods to input numeric numbers. Users can increase or decrease the value by using arrows. You can only change the input field's visual display if you remove them.

Can the arrows be preserved in a certain number of input fields and removed from others?

You may remove the arrows from particular number input fields, yes. Applying CSS styles allows you to target and alter specific input fields. You may make CSS rules that explicitly target the input components you wish to change and remove the arrows by giving each element a distinct class or ID. This enables you to modify various number inputs under your own needs.

Will every browser support the procedure provided in the article?

Most current browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, support the technique described in the article. CSS styles replace the number input arrows' default browser styles. Some older browser versions might not wholly support the CSS attributes that conceal the arrows. Testing your implementation across many browsers and versions is generally advised to ensure consistent functionality.

Are there alternative methods to remove the arrows from HTML number inputs?

There are different ways to eliminate the arrows in HTML numeric inputs. JavaScript can be used as a substitute method to dynamically change the input field's characteristics or update its DOM properties to conceal the arrows. However, this approach necessitates a better comprehension of JavaScript and can make your implementation more difficult. The CSS-based method described in the article is generally easier to use and more widely accepted.

Can I use my custom increment and decrement buttons instead of the arrows?

Yes, custom increment and decrement buttons can be used in place of the standard arrows. This entails using JavaScript to handle the increment and decrement functions or building your controls using HTML and CSS. You may provide consumers with a customized and eye-catching interface for changing the numeric values by designing and placing custom buttons close to the number input field. Remember that adding custom buttons will necessitate more code and stylistic effort.

Can users still increase or decrease the amount without utilizing the arrows?

Absolutely! The HTML number input may still increase or decrease the value even after removing the arrows. They can manually input the required value or change the number using the up and down arrows on the keyboard. The arrows can be removed to eliminate the visual depiction of the increment and decrement buttons, but doing so does not affect the functionality.

Will the number input field's usability be affected if the arrows are removed?

The accessibility of the field shouldn't be severely impacted if the arrows are removed from HTML number inputs. Users with impairments can still enter numeric numbers into the input area using screen readers and other assistive technology. Even without the arrows' visual depiction, ensuring all users can still see and use the field is crucial. To help users who rely on visual cues, think about offering other instructions or signals.


You can quickly remove the arrows from HTML number input fields by following the detailed instructions in this article for “HTML input number remove arrows”. Removing the arrows lets you get your desired result, whether you want to alter the look, improve user experience, or match the input field with your website’s style. When modifying your HTML content, accurately identify the target input element, create and use the CSS rule, and select the best technique. With this information, you may confidently adjust numeric inputs and design a fluid user experience for your online apps.

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