React Higher-Order Component in TypeScript

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Reusable and extendable components are typically necessary for creating intricate React apps. Higher-order components in typescript save the day in this situation. Adding TypeScript’s benefits of static typing to this potent pattern allows us to take our HOC game to new heights.

This article will take you on a tour through the world of React’s Higher-Order Components in typescript, examining their implementation and demonstrating how TypeScript improves the development process.

This article will teach you how to create a basic higher-order component in typescript, add timestamp with a message, add safety to a Higher-order component in typescript, conditional rendering, add multiple HOCs, debugging and testing. After reading this essay, you will no longer have any queries or uncertainties about this issue. 

Higher-order components in typescript are a crucial component of React development since they provide an organized method of improving component behavior without interfering with its basic logic.

Whether you’re new to React or an experienced developer, knowing how to use and create Higher Order components in TypeScript can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of your code. Before diving into the Higher-order component in typescript, let us know what it is and how it is used.

What is a Higher-Order Component (HOC)?

In React, a Higher-Order Component (HOC) is a design pattern that takes a component and creates a new one with additional or altered functionality. React apps employ HOCs for concern of separation and reusability.

Higher-Order Component (HOC)

They let you modify functionality without changing the original component in any way. Props, state management, conditional rendering, and code maintainability may be handled via HOCs. They are an essential component of React’s composability and encourage code reuse.

What is typescript?

A statically typed superset of JavaScript is called TypeScript. Adding type annotations to JavaScript helps developers identify and fix type-related mistakes while they are being developed. Because of this, TypeScript is an effective tool for creating dependable and manageable online applications.


It is compatible with front-end and back-end development environments and compiles to plain JavaScript. Now you must be thinking, how are High Order Components in typescript used? Following are some of the significant reasons to use HOCs in typescript: – 

Visit: What is typescript?

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Boost Reusability

By encapsulating standard functionality, HOCs help you apply the same logic to different components, promoting code reusability.

Boost Reusability

Type Safety

TypeScript makes type-safe HOCs possible by guaranteeing that props sent to and received from the HOCs are typed appropriately, which lowers the possibility of errors occurring at runtime.

Type Safety


HOCs simplify and ease the maintenance of individual components by abstracting away complicated logic.


Conditional Rendering

HOCs can render components conditionally according to logic, such as the state of user authentication.

Conditional Rendering

Now, let us learn about higher-order components in more detail.

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HOCs and typescript 

In React development, Higher Order Components (HOCs) and TypeScript are tightly related. Functions known as HOCs augment or change components, and TypeScript offers a robust type system.

By allowing HOCs to define and enforce exact types for the props they anticipate and return, TypeScript lowers the possibility of runtime problems stemming from improper prop types.

HOCs and TypeScript work together to simplify component creation, encapsulate complicated logic, and encourage code reuse. Functionality is abstracted away using HOCs, and TypeScript’s type system guarantees the type safety of the enclosed reason. By outlining the required types for HOCs, TypeScript also acts as documentation, helping developers better grasp how to utilize them.

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Creating basic HOCs

First, let’s create essential higher-order components in TypeScript. Assume you have an element that shows text:

import React from ‘react’;

const Message = ({ text }: { text: string }) => <div>{text}</div>;

Now, let’s create a HOC that adds a timestamp to this message:

Import React from ‘react’;

const withTimestamp = <P extends object>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>) => {

  return (props: P) => {

    const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString();

    return <Component {…props} timestamp={timestamp} />;



Adding Type Safety to HOCs

TypeScript has a robust typing system that lets you define the kinds of props your HOC expects and returns, which is one of its advantages. This not only captures type-related errors during compilation, but it also specifies the intended usage.

type TimestampProps = {

  timestamp: string;


type MessageProps = {

  text: string;


const withTimestamp = <P extends MessageProps>(

  Component: React.ComponentType<P>

) => {

  return (props: Omit<P, keyof TimestampProps>) => {

    const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString();

    return <Component {…props as P} timestamp={timestamp} />;



In this example, we’ve defined two different prop types, TimestampProps and MessageProps. Next, we ensure that the wrapped component doesn’t get contradictory props using TypeScript’s Omit utility type. Type safety is preserved by the casting (props as P).

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Advanced HOCs with Conditional Rendering 

Superior-Grade When it comes to conditional rendering, components get even more capability. For example, you may render a component conditionally depending on whether or not the user has successfully authenticated.

Now, let’s build an authentication HOC that renders a component conditionally according to the user’s authentication state.

type AuthProps = {

  isAuthenticated: boolean;


const withAuthentication = <P extends AuthProps>(

  Component: React.ComponentType<P>

) => {

  return (props: P) => {

    if (props.isAuthenticated) {

      return <Component {…props} />;

    } else {

      return <div>You are not authenticated.</div>;




Components can be protected by using this HOC and the withAuthentication HOC to encapsulate them. The original feature is presented if the user is authorized; if not, a notice is shown.

const ProtectedComponent = withAuthentication(MyComponent);

// Usage

<ProtectedComponent isAuthenticated={true} />

<ProtectedComponent isAuthenticated={false} />

Combining Multiple HOCs

Several HOCs can be combined to provide complicated behavior. For instance, you may apply an authentication HOC and a data-fetching HOC to a component.

const AuthenticationAndDataFetchingComponent = withAuthentication(



It’s essential to consider the application sequence when mixing numerous HOCs. The sequence is important because each HOC might change the props or behavior of the component. Take care and do extensive testing.

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Debugging and Testing HOCs

Because the Higher-Order Component in typescript offers another level of abstraction, debugging them might be difficult. You may use TypeScript’s type annotations and documentation to help streamline this procedure.

Make sure the type definitions for your HOCs are thorough and unambiguous. Additionally, consider inspecting your component hierarchies and properties with development tools like React DevTools.

When evaluating Higher-order components in typescript, please pay close attention to how they behave, particularly how they respond to different input props and circumstances. Unit and integration testing can benefit from using tools like Jest and React Testing Library.

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How do I define types for Higher-Order Components in TypeScript?

When defining types for Higher-order components in typescript, you typically use generics. The generic type parameter can represent the props your HOC expects or the ones it will return. For instance, you might find withTimestamp as const withTimestamp =(Component: React.ComponentType) => {...} to allow any set of props while maintaining type safety.

Can I compose multiple Higher order components in TypeScript together?

You can compose multiple Higher-order components in typescript by applying them in sequence. However, the order in which you use HOCs can be crucial, as each HOC can modify the component's behavior or props. When composing HOCs, consider the order of application and test thoroughly to ensure the desired behavior.

How does TypeScript enhance the reliability of Higher-Order Components?

TypeScript's static type checking provides early error detection. It helps catch type-related issues at compile-time, ensuring that the props passed to and received from HOCs are correctly typed. This prevents common runtime errors, making your application more reliable and robust.


Superior-grade React components may significantly enhance the quality and maintainability of code when paired with TypeScript. Your code will be more dependable if you include robust and understandable type annotations that allow you to identify possible problems at compile time.

Higher-order components in typescript are valuable for React development because they let you maintain a clean, modular codebase by effectively encapsulating and reusing logic. You may feel more confident with your React apps with the help of TypeScript.

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