Convert String to HTML in React: Rendering Text as HTML Content

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This article will use a practical example to explore how to convert string to HTML in React. We will cover two approaches: Using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop and a third-party library called react-html-parser.

To convert HTML to React, you can use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop. These approaches allow you to parse and render HTML content within React components: practice alert and clean contributions to forestall security weaknesses.

convert string to html in react

Respond is a JavaScript library that permits designers to construct intelligent and reusable UIs. While working with Respond, there might be times when you want to change over a line of HTML content into genuine HTML components. This can be helpful while delivering an active substance. Or when you get HTML content from an outside source, like a Programming interface. You can also learn five different ways to use a JavaScript Variable in HTML.

See Also: LinkedIn Quiz Answers in HTML: Ace Your Test Today

Convert String to HTML in React

Here are some approaches to try out:

Approach 1 to convert string to HTML in react: Using dangerouslySetInnerHTML

When using Respond, be cautious with the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop for embedding HTML content into a component. Misuse can lead to cross-site scripting attacks.

convert string to html in react

We should consider a basic model with a Respond part called HTMLRenderer. This part takes a line of HTML content as a prop and delivers it as HTML components:


import React from ‘react’;

const HTMLRenderer = ({ HTML content }) => { return ( <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: HTML content }}></div> ); } export default HTMLRenderer;

In the above example, we use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop on an <div> element and pass the htmlContent as the value. React will then parse and render the HTML content within the <div> element.

To use this part and convert a string to HTML, you can pass the HTML string as a prop:


<strong>import Respond from 'respond'; import HTMLRenderer from './HTMLRenderer'; const Application = () => { const htmlString = '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>'; return ( <div> <HTMLRenderer htmlContent={htmlString}/> </div> ); } send out default Application;</strong>


In this model, the <h1> label inside the HTML String will be delivered as a genuine heading component on the page for react render HTML string.

Approach 2 to convert string to HTML in react: Utilizing respond html-parser

If you like to use an outsider library for text-to-HTML converter online, responding to html-parser gives a helpful method. It helps in rendering HTML content in Respond parts.

See also: Render HTML Strings With React: Boost Your Web Development

use respond HTML parser

To use respond html-parser, begin by introducing it in your undertaking:


npm introduces respond html-parser

Once introduced, you can import and involve it in your part:


import Respond from ‘respond’; import ReactHtmlParser from ‘respond html-parser’; const HTMLRenderer = ({ HTML content }) => { return ( <div>{ReactHtmlParser(HTML content)}</div> ); } send out default HTMLRenderer;

In this method, we use ReactHtmlParser. Convert HTML to React components with ease using this tool. Simply pass in the HTML string as a parameter and receive parsed components, ready to be enclosed within curly braces and a <div> component.

To use the part, follow a comparative example as in the past:


import Respond from ‘respond’; import HTMLRenderer from ‘./HTMLRenderer’; const Application = () => { const htmlString = ‘<h1>Hello, world!</h1>’; return ( <div> <HTMLRenderer htmlContent={htmlString}/> </div> ); } trade default Application;

This model’s outcome will equal the past method, with the <h1> label delivered as a heading component.

These were two approaches to try if you want to convert string to HTML in React.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Converting String to HTML in React

This cycle considers the dynamic delivery of HTML and works with a mix of outside HTML content. Converting HTML content into actual elements has its pros and cons when using Respond. We will investigate the two sides of switching strings completely to HTML in Respond.

advantages and disadvantages


Here are some advantages:

Dynamic Content Rendering

Converting a string to HTML enables the dynamic rendering of HTML content based on variables or data from APIs. This flexibility allows React components to adapt and display content.

Integration with External Content

When interacting with external sources, such as APIs or databases, it is standard to receive HTML content as strings. React can seamlessly integrate and display the content within its components, converting these strings to HTML elements. This ultimately provides a consistent user experience.

Rich Text Editing

Converting strings to HTML allows for easy display and rendering of formatted text, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and embedded media in React.


By converting strings to HTML, you can create reusable components that handle the parsing and rendering of HTML content. This promotes code modularity and reduces duplication, making managing and maintaining your React application easier.


Here are some disadvantages:

Security Concerns

Converting strings to HTML introduces potential security risks. Unsanitized HTML content from untrusted sources can lead to XSS attacks. To mitigate these risks, you should sanitize and confirm the HTML content.

Performance Implications

Parsing and rendering HTML content can have performance implications when dealing with large or complex HTML strings. Converting strings to HTML elements requires more computational resources, which can impact your React application’s performance.

Limited Control over Styling

When converting strings to HTML, styling the rendered elements can become challenging. HTML content often includes inline styles or classes. Integrating them into React’s styling system can take time and effort. Maintaining consistent styling across the application may need extra effort.

Code Complexity

Converting strings to HTML and managing HTML content in React components can result in code complexity and require extra logic.

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Presenting you with some Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it safe to convert string to HTML in React?

Converting a string to HTML in React can be safe when taking proper precautions. Review and sanitize user-generated or external HTML content before rendering to ensure security. Sanitizing and validating the HTML content is crucial to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

What are the performance implications of converting strings to HTML in React?

Converting strings to HTML can have performance implications, particularly with large or complex HTML strings. Parsing and rendering HTML need extra computational resources, which can impact your React application's performance. Consider optimizing the process or implementing caching mechanisms for improved performance.

Can I style the HTML elements after converting a string to HTML in React?

Styling the HTML elements after converting a string to HTML in React can be challenging, and It takes additional effort and careful management.. All this guarantees steady styling across your application. The HTML content may include inline styles or classes that must be integrated into React's styling system.

Could I, at any point, reuse parts for changing strings over completely to HTML in Respond?

Indeed, you can make reusable parts that handle the transformation of strings to HTML in Response, and you can make measured and reusable parts. Exemplifying the parsing and Providing a logical explanation. For your application advances code reusability and viability.

Are there any limitations or complexities when converting strings to HTML in React?

Converting strings to HTML in React can introduce complexities, especially when dealing with intricate HTML structures or nested elements. Managing and working with HTML content within React components may need extra logic, leading to more complex code. Consider the structure and complexity of the HTML content you are working with.


It is easy to Convert string to HTML in React using the dangerously Set Inner HTML prop. Or a third-party library like react-html-parser. Hence, both approaches provide a way to parse and render HTML content within React components. Be cautious when dealing with user-generated—or external HTML content to prevent potential security weaknesses. Remember to consider the security implications. Sanitize any user input or external HTML content to protect your application from malicious attacks.

See also: How To Fetch And Display JSON Data In HTML?

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