Why is Python an Interpreted Language: Understanding the Basics

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Python is the most popular interpreted programming language, and its “Write once, run anywhere” philosophy is also a result of it being an interpreted language. 

Python is an interpreted language since it executes the code line by line, analyzing and executing on the fly without creating an executable file. It simultaneously translates the code into one line instead of compiling everything simultaneously before running.

python interpreter

Now, let’s see how the Python Interpreter works.

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How does a Python interpreter work? 

Python’s interpreter works by parsing the code into a series of tokens. This process happens dynamically, meaning the principles execute as the interpreter reads them. The interpreter also handles things like memory management and garbage collection, which makes writing code in Python much more accessible than in other languages that require manual memory management.

how does python interpreter work

The compiler initially tokenizes the code, which divides it into a collection of tokens that stand in for the Python language’s keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. The tickets then parse to produce an abstract syntax tree (AST) that depicts the code’s structure.

The bytecode, a low-level representation of the principle the interpreter can execute, is created by compiling the AST. So Python works as language interpretation on different platforms.

Advantages of being an interpreted language 

  • One of the main advantages of an interpreted language like Python is that it makes programming much easier and faster.
  • With no compilation, developers can write and test their code much more efficiently.
  • Python’s interpreter handles many low-level programming details, such as memory management, so developers can focus on writing code rather than dealing with these issues.
  • By eliminating the need for compilation and handling many of the low-level details of programming, Python’s interpreter makes it much easier and faster to write code.


  • Because Python is an interpreted language, it executes more slowly than compiled languages, which run faster because they directly manage machine code. This may hinder the performance of Python applications in environments like real-time systems or high-performance computing.
  • Python is renowned for requiring a lot of memory. Because of this, using Python for applications that need the most efficient use of memory may take a lot of work.
  • Python interprets language rather than compiling, and sentience does not have an explicit compilation process. This means mistakes might only discover during runtime, making them troubleshooting challenging.
  • Obfuscation is complex since Python code is readable and available, making it difficult to conceal data or code.
  • Because interpreted languages still need to compile, they are typically more challenging to optimize. Optimizing Python applications for maximum efficiency can be difficult because there is no initial compilation process to optimize the code.
  • However, most Python programs are platform-dependent because of the nature of the interpreter. Because of this, creating cross-platform Python apps may be difficult.
  • Python is not an easy language to learn, and beginners may need help with programming due to its dynamic types and syntax. A high skill level may be necessary for developers to use Python effectively.

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Comparison between Interpreted and compiled language 

There is the following comparison between Interpreted and compiled language :


  • The source code is first compiled into machine code in this language compiles before execution.
  •  The compiled code can execute directly on computer hardware without an interpreter.
  • A program written in a compiled language runs faster as the code converts into machine code, and the interpreted code needs an interpreter to run on the computer hardware.
  •  Errors in the code are caught during the compilation In compiler-based language. Errors in the code that detects runtime in interpreter-based language. The compiled code is platform dependent, and the interpreted code is platform-independent.
  • The compiles languages are C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript, which consider interpretations of languages.
  • Compiled languages are dependent upon the platform and are more efficient. At the same time, interpreted languages are platform-independent but less efficient in performance. The choice of language depends on the project requirements and resources available.


What are some features of Python?

Python has many features, including dynamic typing, automatic memory management, a large standard library, and support for multiple programming paradigms, such as object-oriented, functional, and procedural programming.

How is Python code executed?

Python code is executed using an interpreter, which reads the code line by line and executes it immediately. Python also supports just-in-time (JIT) compilation and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation for improved performance.

What are the data types in Python?

Python supports many data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.

What are the control structures in Python?

Python supports many control structures, including if-else statements for loops, while loops, and try-except blocks. These structures allow you to control the flow of execution in your code.

How are functions defined in Python?

Functions in Python are defined using the def keyword, followed by the function name and any parameters the function takes. Functions can return a value using the return keyword and can also have default parameter values and keyword arguments.

What is a pip in Python?

Pip is a package manager for Python that allows you to install and manage third-party libraries and modules. It installs packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other sources.


As a result, Python is an interpreted language because it translates the code line by line. This feature makes it easy to use and faster than other programming languages.

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