List Vs Tuple: Difference Between Lists And Tuples

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In Python, lists and tuples are classes of data structures that can store one or more objects or values. Using square brackets, lists can be made to hold various details in a variable. Comparably, a tuple can declare hiatuses and store numerous rudiments in a single variable.

difference between lists and tuples in python

Here are some introductory details about lists and tuples in python.

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The list is one of Python’s main data structures, which holds a setlist of things called items. Analogous to arrays, list-to-tuple helps Python keep similar types of data values together, and unify code. This is accessible for performing multiple advanced operations on multiple values at the same time.

difference between lists and tuples in python-List in Python

For example, the brochure with songs on your desktop has different other subfolders customized according to different genres for an easy collection. Lists-to-tuple Python improves efficiency and allows the system to manage all the values together.


Like a list, a tuple contains an ordered set of objects. These objects are retained and separated by commas. Tuples are immutable. Neither you can enter additional objects once you create the tuple nor you can expand or modify it. It is thus fundamentally from a list.

Tuples In Python

One also cannot remove elements from a tuple which limits the collection. Immutability provides an advantage in providing brisk and more efficient results.

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Essential Differences Between List And Tuple In Python

Tuple and List Python have the same main purpose and foundation but differ in a few ways.

Syntax Differences

List And Tuple Syntax Difference in Python

Tuple and List Python syntax have a very minor difference but are essential for proper prosecution. The main obvious difference between lists and tuples in Python is that list syntax uses a square bracket and the tuple syntax encloses them in square brackets. As mentioned at the beginning, lists and tuples have different syntaxes.


Although lists and tuples have many similar operations, lists have additional features that are not available in tuples. These are inserting, popping, reordering, and deleting items in the list.


In Python, tuples are immutable, so they allocate large blocks of memory with low overhead. On the other hand, lists allocate a small block of memory. Between the two, tuples have less memory. This allows creating tuples faster than lists when there are many elements. Simply put, size means how much memory a tuple stores, whether small or large. You can calculate the size with the built-in function len().

With lists and tuples, Python needs to allocate additional memory blocks for lists as they are extensible and you may need them in case of possible changes.


One of the most important differences between lists and tuples is that tuples are inflexible while lists are variable. This means that you can modify Python lists of lists and tuples after creation to meet your conditions. But you cannot modify tuples after creation or after any necessary editing so that tuples have a fixed size.

List mutablity

In conclusion, some operations might work on lists but might not on tuples. For illustration, in data wisdom, if a list formerly exists, that specific element can be reassigned. You can reassign the entire list. Rudiment and the part of rudiments can be removed from the list.

Tuple Immutability

On the other hand, you cannot reassign or delete a specific element of a tuple, but it is possible to split it, or indeed reassign and cancel the entire tuple. Tuples are immutable and cannot be copied.

You can change the particulars in the list and access it directly. Rudiments in the list can be modified using the index motorist. Individual values can also be changed in the list.


Some of the Python functions apply to both data structures, such as len, max, min, any, sum, all, and sorted. Below is a description of some of the features-

  1. max(tuple) → Returns the element with the maximum value from the tuple.
  2. min(tuple) → Returns the element with the minimum value from the tuple.
  3. tuple(seq) → Converts a list to a tuple.
  4. cmp(tuple1, tuple2) → Compares the elements of above two tuples.

Type Of Elements

Tuples usually store elements belonging to different data types, i.e., heterogeneous elements. While lists usually store homogeneous elements (elements of the same data types). But it is not a constraint on the data structure. You can store elements of similar data types in tuples, and elements of different data types in lists.


It is important to understand that there are some cases where it is better to use one of these data structures. Which one to use depends on the programmer, choosing one of these depends based on whether you plan to change the data later.

You can use tuples as the equivalent of a keyless dictionary for storing data. Storing the tuples in a list makes the data easier to read. On the other hand, you can use lists to include similar rudiments. Tuples are relatively more time and memory efficient than bounded lists. However, the list immutability makes it efficient to react effectively to potential changes


Regarding debugging, tuples and lists, tuples are easier to debug for large projects due to their immutability. So for small amounts of data, we recommend using lists. difference between lists and tuples in python-DebuggingThis is because you can modify lists but not tuples. This makes tracking tuples easier.

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What makes tuples superior to lists?

Due to their immutability, tuples may be allocated huge memory blocks with less overhead than lists, whereas lists can only utilize tiny memory blocks. As a result, when there are many elements, tuples frequently execute more quickly than lists making it more superior.

Can a tuple include several data types?

Yes, tuples are collections of several data types, and unlike simpler data types, it is not feasible to determine the type of each element of a tuple using standard methods.

What is the list and tuple's time complexity?

The time complexity for accessing an element by index is O(1) for both lists and tuples. They are both morally equal to an array with integer indexes.

How can two tuples be compared in Python?

Position-by-position comparisons are used when comparing tuples: the first item of the first tuple will be compared to the first item of the subsequent tuple; if the two are not equal, this is the outcome of the comparison; otherwise, the second item is taken into consideration, followed by the third, and so on.

Are tuples structured?

Yes, tuples are structured. A fixed-size set of disparate values is referred to as a tuple. It is essentially an anonymous struct—a struct without a name. A tuple is an ordered list (sequence) of finite components.


In conclusion, in this article, we have explained the difference between lists and tuples. This article will help you understand the difference between lists and tuples in Python data structures.

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